Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why I'm 100

I'm coming out of Target today and in the parking lot is some dude in his early 20's in some pseudo-muscle car sitting and waiting for his girlfriend or whoever to come out of the store. But he's not just parked in a spot waiting; he's parked diagonally across 2 handicapped spaces. And it pissed me off so freaking bad.

Back when I was a kid we parked our horse and buggy the right way and used a nice clove hitch to keep the horse restrained and we liked it just fine.

Man I'm getting old.


limpy99 said...

If you looked closer, maybe he had no legs.

Sylvia said...

He could sit outside in his car in a correct parking spot with legs, the same as without them.

Maggie said...

I hope you key'ed his car as you were creaking by.

Phollower said...

maggie: That would've been a nice idea had he not still been in it. I'm way too big of a chicken to risk getting my ass kicked by some whipper-snapper.

Duh-huh-huh, I said "snapper".