Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Real Reason


So chicks universally dig me, right?

And I, like nearly every other male, dig the idea of a threesome with a couple of those chicks, right?

The Spousal Unit explained to me that this is the real reason lesbian couples exist. It's not because they're interested in life-long partnerships with someone they're attracted to who loves them. It's because women want to be prepared for their chance at a threesome with me. I mean, when your number is called you'd hate to be stuck looking for a third, right?

Makes total sense, right?


Party Girl said...

She wasn't supposed to tell.


Now the secret is out.


Dammit it all to hell.

Now what are we supposed to do when the twosomes come becking at our door? The secret is out. The defenses are down.


Oh, well.

I'm sure the games will still be just as much fun.

I guess.

Now. Who could I find to try this theory out?

Zoe said...

I know that's why I'm a lesbian.

limpy99 said...

I know that's why I'm not a lesbian.

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify - I did not say that was the reason lesbian couples exist. I believe I said that is what many men think to be true. This discussion came after a sitcom showed a hetero male fanticizing about a lesbian couple wanting him to come and have sex with them. It always strikes me as odd that men think lesbians are so hot. By definition, they are women who are not attracted to men. I guess you always want what you can't have.

Phollower said...

PG: Sorry but you'll have to talk to Sylvia. She gets to pick the girls for our threesomes. I'll put a good word in for you though.
Zoe: Tell me something I didn't know.
Limpy: I sometimes feel like a lesbian trapped in a man's body. I'm not sure if that means I'm hoping for a threesome with myself and a chick or what.
Sylvia: Many men may "think" it's true. I know it. And yes, men want what they can't have. And usually that's two chicks. It's just hot, that's all. For me it's the idea of two girls getting off simultaneously. It's exciting enough to get one girl off (which hopefully I do with some regularity) but two? Excuse me while I type with one hand.

limpy99 said...

Sylvia's curisoity is best answered as my friend Gerry, who I'm pretty sure never saw a threesome he didn't pay for, did one night while in law school:

"What's better than one pizza? Two pizzas"

Phollower said...

Amen Limpy.