Thursday, November 02, 2006


When you clean up the feta cheese that your cat puked up onto the basement floor it still smells pretty much like feet.

If you're taking notes at home: When you go outside to get the chicken off the grill be sure to have someone besides the cat keep an eye on the salad. Or have someone besides the salad keep an eye on the cat. I'll accept either answer.


Party Girl said...

I'm also guessing feta cheese looks the same way thrown-up as it does even when it hasn't been thrown-up?

White, milky, and chunky.

Hmmm, I actually liked feta cheese until I just typed that out and had the smell accompanied by the visual.

Is this your version of the, "inner dork?"

Phollower said...

I suppose it is PG, I suppose it is.

And yes, white and chunky pre and post feline heaving.

limpy99 said...

This post has pretty much ruined feta cheese for me for life.

Although to be honest, it didn't have far to go.

Anonymous said...

"...anyone but the salad..."

That's classic stuff! You need to get back into stand up!

Elle said...

Feta cheese is an acquired taste. Domesticated animals obviously haven't become that cultured yet.

Phollower said...

LIMPY- First I crush your dreams of hiking the AT, now I've made it impossible for you to go to a Greek restaurant. This blogging thing is gonna be the death of you.

SISKNY- The ol' stand-up routine was a loooong time ago. It was fun though. I'd need to be quicker on my feet. And funnier.

ELLE- The cats have acquired the taste for it, just not the digestive tract. But don't worry, they'll keep eating it and throwing it up in various places around the house until they get it right.

Dirty Bunny said...

Cat puke...the most irritating thing about puking kitties is that they never seem to want to vomit on the tile...only the carpet. I have an entire kitchen and dining room of tile. In the kitchen I have a very adorable little "latte rug". Yeah, it must scream "Puke on me".