Wednesday, November 01, 2006

You Already Said That

I'm on my way to "work" this morning when a commercial comes on the radio advertising a new album by The Who. Yes, some of them are still alive. The beginning of the commercial hypes up the release by saying, "The Who's first studio album in 24 years..." Then there's music clips and blah, blah, blah about the CD followed by, "The New York Times calls it 'Pete Townsend's best work in decades'..."

Yep, 24 years would be decades. Thanks for the math lesson.


Anonymous said...

I thought his best work was the child porn.

No? ;)


Phollower said...

I don't remember seeing any pictures of him when he was a kid. Or is that not what you meant?

Party Girl said...

Let's see, if 10 years = one decade, and 10 + 10 = 20, minus 6 years, carry the four old geezers, subtract coolness, add Geretol and divide the Ben Gay = what is I don't want to buy the album.