Monday, February 04, 2008

More Sitcoms

The Spousal Unit wrote on her blog about what our friend Zoe would be like if she were a character on a sitcom. Well, I borrowed Zoe's Dremel tool over the weekend (I haven't used it yet so I don't have a post about that but since I should be able to learn to type with 8 or 9 fingers I imagine one will show up) and a new role of hers occurred to me, should the Sheldon thing not pan out: Lesbian with power tools who lends them to her effeminate male friend who was tragically born without the power tool gene. We're such cliches.

She's the multifaceted lesbian.

I'm the effeminate male.


mama biscuit said...

Ok, I'm nosy. You're certainly welcome to tell me to mind my own business but I'm curious...

were ya'll friends before blogging or did you meet through blogging?

I only ask because I'm insanely jealous. There are so many blog friends I'd love to meet in person.

Zoe said...

We've been friends for more than 6 years. Phollower and my girl BP met at work. You don't often find people who you hit it off with so well. It's crazy. Really.

Phollower said...

tysgirl: Yeah, there are quite a few bloggers I'd love to hang out with for a while. That way I could have very little worthwhile to say right to your faces instead of via the internet. I'm not saying we shouldn't do it, I'm just saying that if you think what I write is mindless when I have time to think about it you should check me out on the fly.

zoe: The Spousal Unit and I totally lucked out when we met you two. It's a good thing you were "roommates" when BP and I worked together.

mama biscuit said...

Thanks for the answer(s). It's great when, as a couple, you can click with another couple.

Phollower: I'm an equal opportunity dull person, I don't care to bore people on my blog or in person.

I've met one person on my blogroll, Big Mama. We drove to Savannah to hang with her for a week and it was a really great experience. There are so many other bloggers I'd love to meet. Many of them have gone above and beyond helping Ty and I through the past few months.

Phollower said...

tysgirl: I haven't actually met any other bloggers yet but since I know where quite a few of my favorites live (I mean which city, not like a house number with a Google Earth link on my desktop or anything creepy like that. Yet.) so if I ever head in their direction I'd be into grabbing a drink or 5 with them. We'll see.

limpy99 said...

I think I saw a movie in Skinemax last night entitled "Lesbians With Power Tools"

At least, that should have been the title.

limpy99 said...

-makes mental note to pull a Cheney and have house removed from Google Earth-

Phollower said...

limpy: Too late buddy. Those kids sure are cute playing in your back yard like that...

I believe I just solved your dilemma about whether to move or not.

Maggie said...

As long as you make BP a pyschotherapist, I'm all for it.

Sylvia being a trauma nurse may come in handy also.

Phollower said...

maggie: I'm hoping Sylvia decides to play the nurse with the power tools on Limpy's Skinemax movie, if you know what I'm saying. And I'm pretty sure BP will only be on the show if she gets to be a vampire psychotherapist. And I mean she gets to be a vampire. Not that she gets to be a psychotherapist for vampires. Although I suppose her client base could include some.