Monday, February 04, 2008

The Emperor's New Undies

Feel free to stop reading if this is clearly one of those TMI moments:

I haven't worn underwear in about 15 years. I just stopped a long time ago for some reason (which escapes me now but since I was 22 I imagine it somehow involved a girl and getting laid). Well, I decided to get a couple pairs primarily because doctor's visits are just really awkward without under garments. So I'm trying them out. If anyone else is ever in this situation let me offer one bit of advice:

When you stand up after going to the bathroom there's a chance that your new skivvies will remain around your ankles when you grab your pants and cause you to lose your balance and fall into the bathroom door. There's also a chance you're not an idiot and will manage to deal with the clothing change more gracefully than some.

This public service announcement brought to you by Haines and a generous gift from the Head Trauma Association of America.


mama biscuit said...

So you cook, clean, and go commando?

If you could just reach past that 45 second mark, you'd be the perfect husband.

Yeah, you didn't really think I was going to let that go, did you?

Phollower said...

tysgirl: Yep, Commander Phollower at your service. It's been reputed to not be a long service, mind you.

Actually, Sylvia tells me I take care of her pretty well. But I suppose once you find a cooking, cleaning commando you tell him whatever you need to.

This is just great. Limpy gets to be the former porn star and I'm stuck being Quick-Draw McGraw.

mama biscuit said...

Why phollower, I do believe you just named your own category in my blogroll.

Elle said...

Your balls must be formidable after all these years in the blustery Midwest.

If I have passed that fine line between being kind of funny/inappropriate and not funny/and still inappropriate, tell Sylvia to bitch slap me.

Sylvia said...

Tysgirl: He underestimates his abilities.

Elle: You are always funny and perfectly inappropriate!

mama biscuit said...

Sylvia: But does he know his limitations?

Phollower said...

tysgirl: Great. Just great. Note to self, keep your fucking mouth closed around tysgirl. That shit WILL come back to haunt you. And my limitations are well known; if Sylvia says it's ok, it's ok.

elle: I'm with Sylvia on this one. Perfectly inappropriate. You'll have a pretty tough time crossing any lines on my blog. But, sorry to say, there's nothing in my pants that would qualify as formidable.

limpy99 said...


Phollower said...

limpy: Ooops, sorry. My bad studly.

mama biscuit said...

@ Limpy. Don't worry babe, you'll always be a porn star in my twisted little fantasies.