Friday, February 08, 2008


The Spousal Unit is on sabbatical this semester. Contrary to popular belief this does NOT meant that she is on vacation. It does, however, mean that she works from home and is around for lunch a lot more than usual. I generally just have something ready for her to eat around 1 in the afternoon but yesterday I decided to give her a few choices.

Phollower: Hey Honey, do you want a BLT, grilled cheese, or a salad with chicken salad on it?

Sylvia: Can I have the salad with chicken salad on it or is that too much trouble?

Phollower: I wouldn't have offered it to you if it was too much trouble. I'd have just given you something else.

Of course, making chicken salad and a nice veggie salad to go with it is more work than the other two, but there's a lot of truth to the old saying:

Q: What do you make for lunch for the wife who lets you stay home?

A: Whatever the fuck she wants.


mama biscuit said...

Oh admit it, even if she didn't let you stay'd still make her whatever she wants.

Sylvia said...

You said it was no problem! Anyway, I can't help it if I love vegetables.

Frank said...

Man, we need to get us a husband like you...

I made lunch yesterday - I reheated some "what a crock" chili, and as a special treat I toasted some bread. Plus a cheese sandwich for the kid.

And that's pretty elaborate for me, these days.

Phollower said...

tysgirl: Of course I would. Even when I was working I still packed her lunch everyday. It wasn't as yummy as chicken salad but she wasn't gonna starve or anything.

sylvia: It wasn't a problem. And I know you loves the veggies. Can I get you any?

frank: Sorry buddy, there ain't enough Phollower for everyone. Shit, there's just barely enough for Sylvia. But I bet those What a Crock! leftovers were yummy. Or, as a certain kid I know once said, "Mommy, this stew is actually good!"

limpy99 said...

My wife and kids came home last Friday and found me grilling a steak and making a salad. She called the cops saying there was a strange man in the kitchen.

Phollower said...

limpy: Did the cops tell her you've been strange the whole time? I can't believe she never noticed.

MrsOz said...

you can make her whatever you want, just make sure you wash your arms up to your elbows first.

At least she eats what you make her. The lunches I made her take to work would just get carried around the whole day.

Phollower said...

mrsoz: C'mon, sometimes she ate the pretzels.