Sunday, July 22, 2007

McGruff would be ashamed

So I can park here all day and maybe have to pay a whole $5? This town is tough.


dykewife said...

unless you get towed away. that would be somewhat more inconvenient.

Party Girl said...

Man. I dunno. I wouldn't risk it. $5 is a lot of money.

Now, if it was $2 I would totally risk it just so I could say the line from, "Better Off Dead."

"....I want my two dollars. ... Give me my two dollars..."

So many lines from one movie.

"...You like corn..."
I say it every time corn is presented on the table.

limpy99 said...

I love the part of that movie where the mother is apparently stuffing a live octopus into a stew pot.

I'm also calling the FBI to report Phollower. It starts with illgal parking and it ends with Al Quaida winning.

Phollower said...

dykewife: There's no mention anywhere about towing. I hadn't even considered the possibility. So much for my $5 parking scheme.

pg: Believe it or not I've never seen Better Off Dead. Sylvia is rightfully embarrassed of me for that. Among other reasons.

limpy: Nobody said I'd actually do it. Although that's primarily because any place with a $5 parking fine clearly doesn't have jack shit near it that anyone would want to do for more than 3 hours in a row. It has nothing to do with my national pride, believe me. If you'd like to call the FBI for that I've got a laundry list of other stuff they'd probably be more interested in seeing.

Party Girl said...

...French fries. Freeench fries.


"Gee Robbie, I'm really sorry your mom blew-up."

Seriously, go rent the movie. You'll thank me for it.