Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Yeah, I rock(ed)

So, remember how in my last post I mentioned that embarassing stuff about me was coming soon? Well, here goes:

Back in the mid 90's I was in a band called "The Willies". We played pop-alternative stuff, you know, Ramones and Jesus and Mary Chain rip offs. We played around Buffalo and a little bit elsewhere but we were basically just a local bar band. We played almost all original music. I was the singer/songwriter and wrote just about all of the songs. You're probably thinking, "That's not all that embarassing. People have probably forgotten all about it by now." True. But my brother, who was the guitar player, has posted some of our songs to an accessible site on his computer. So the embarassing part is that I'm going to post links to some of my favorites. These links will go to his home computer so it takes a minute to download the songs. Literally a minute or so. You'll just see a blank white screen for about 60 seconds but then the Quicktime "Q" will show up and the song will start. Let me know what you think. I'm still available for weddings, showers, bar mitzvahs...

These were on our CD:
My personal favorite: Candy
Sylvia's favorite: Save Me
Our "ballad": You're Lucky Too

He's got others listed on his site but a large number of the links don't work anymore. Like I said, it's been a while. That should give you an idea though.

Quit laughing.


Scott said...

I just want to say: Holy Shit! Is this how you scored Sylvia? Was she like, a groupie?

Zoe said...

I'm failing to see what's embarassing about this. I wish you'd play more often.

Phollower said...

S&L: I'm glad you liked it. At least I hope that's what "Holy Shit!" meant.

No, she wasn't a groupie. I mean, I was the lead singer so of course she wanted me. She came to some of our shows but she was married to her practice husband at the time. Sylvia and I have been friends since high school but never became romantically involved (re: started "doing it") until about 10 years after we graduated.

Zoe: Thanks. It's like how whenever you do something that puts you in the public eye it's a little embarassing. Especially when it reveals a little something about your insides, you know?

lkmanitou said...

Mosh pit in the comments section!

*lk bounces about*

Phollower said...

LK: After the comment about your boobs in the last post that should provide quite the visual for both my readers.

MrsOz said...

My favorite Willies song is "Looks like she's from another world."

They are awesome.

But I'm partial

MrsOz said...

oh, and yes, she was totally a groupie, but it had nothing to do with the band.

Being the huge ego he is (yeah right), it took Phollower quite a while to catch on.

Party Girl said...

WOW, those were all really, really good. I can hear your influences. Save Me, I can certainly hear the Ramones. Awesome. You are a rock star!

....and I wanted to listen to them the day you posted, but I typically do all the bloggin during lunch...and I wouldn't have been able to hear them...then the post got away from me.

Phollower said...

MrsOz: I tried to put "Looks Like" up there but the link on the website is broken. A lot of them are so I had to put links to the few that still work.

PG: Thanks. I'm glad you like them. But no, I'm not a rock star. I don't get to take anywhere near as many drugs and I'm way too faithful to my wife.

Party Girl said...

There is no such thing as, "way too faithful"

Phollower said...

I meant, "way too faithful to be a rock star". I checked with my good buddy Tommy Lee and he agreed. Then he offered Pamela Anderson on trade.

Damn fidelity. You have no idea how many times I could've banged a supermodel if only I was willing to cheat.

Ok, the number is 0 but you get the point.