Monday, January 29, 2007


I just noticed that this will be my 100th post. Rather than coming up with some fantastic thing to write about or boring everyone with more boardgame stuff I've decided to simply share with the blogosphere one of my dad's favorite sayings. It's one that I have proven to be true only too many times:

"Give the laziest man the hardest job and he'll find an easier way to do it."

That would be me.

There'll be more boardgame stuff soon but hopefully it will include some pictures of the RoboRally pieces that I started painting. I know, I'm an animal.

And as my friend Knitts was horny kind enough to point out, RoboRally reads just like Rob Orally so be careful what game you're actually playing.


lkmanitou said...

Hey, it's all in the capitalization of RoboRally or roborally are completely different.

Party Girl said...


Now, where's the party?!?!?!?


Phollower said...

LK- Yes they're different. One involves moving, rotating, and mechanical devices. The other is a boardgame.

PG- C'mon now. You're really stretching if you think 86 boardgame posts and 14 crappy posts about other stuff merits a party. Although I bet anytime you're really stretching a party tends to break out. Consider yourself invited.

limpy99 said...

Some of your posts were about hockey, so they should count twice.

Unless it was the All-Star game, which should either include checking or stop being played all together.

Party Girl said...

Oh, you know me so well.

I'll be there around 9-ish. Leaning more towards the ish than the 9.


Phollower said...

LIMPY- Amen to both of those.

PG- ish it is then.