Friday, October 13, 2006


Before you get all riled up over the title this is not a dirty post and doesn't involve me being covered in mashed potatoes or anything so you can just stop reading right now if that's what you were hoping for. If seeing me covered in any sort of food product, mashed or otherwise, is something you'd enjoy you probably aren't smart enough to read so I have a feeling I'm pissing up the proverbial rope with that disclaimer.

I'm actually talking about Fantasy Sports. No Party Girl, not those types of Fantasy Sports. God.

The Spousal Unit and I are in 2 fantasy football leagues (3 counting our "just pick a winning team" league) and 2 fantasy hockey leagues. They are pretty much taking over our lives. We spend every night looking over the football rosters and discussing who we should pick up, how much we should spend to do it and what are we going to do about the extra wide receiver on a bye week during week 9? This is week 6. We spend the rest of every night rearranging our fantasy hockey line-up to maximize points and minimize risk of our goalies taking a beating. Then, we were dumb enough to start a fantasy hockey league where we do all the scoring and stat tracking ourselves. And then 12 people signed up for it. Merely creating the spreadsheets was a chore much less actually going through the NHL website to track stats and enter them into the spreadsheet.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we put ourselves through the unnecessary stress and aggrevation? Why, for the fun of it, of course. It's a lot of effort but as Calvin said (the cartoon character, not the philosopher- although he may have said it too, I don't know), "It's only work if they make you do it."


Party Girl said...

You lost me at the opening sentence.

I kept reading.

Then you lost me at the second paragraph.

But..I kept reading.

I discovered that there is no dirty fantasies at all in this post. (sigh)

limpy99 said...

Fantasy sports are so much bettert than other activities, like sex.

Keep telling yourself that while bemoaning the fact that you benched Joe Horn the day before he went off for 110 yards and 2TDS. I'll let you know when it works for me.

Phollower said...

Yep, Sylvia needs to do something with the other 23 hours, 59 minutes and 14 seconds of the day after I'm finished. Now that I'm older I can almost last a full minute.

Elle said...

This really has nothing to do with the fact that you stress out about fantasy leagues... but I heard a lot about the Sabres while in the Buffalo region. And also, why is everything named Sacagawea and what not?

Phollower said...

I believe the word you're looking for is Scajaqueda. There's a lot of Native American influence in the names there, both on the American and Canadian side. Is there a racial group called Native Canadians? For whatever reason them redskins where all over the place up there until us white men came in and claimed the land that was rightfully ours to begin with. To build malls. We left a few Injuns behind so we could have a casino though.

MrsOz said...

I think knowing how you talk makes these posts even funnier.