Friday, May 12, 2006

But should I have a point?

Thanks to BlogExplosion, the daily number of visitors to my site has doubled from 3 or 4 to like 7 or so. This tremendous increase in traffic has caused me to wonder if I should write about something in particular in order to encourage others with the same interests to come back and visit regularly. Something like backpacking or boardgames or hockey or cunnilingus. It sounds like a nice idea but I just don't consider myself enough of an expert at any of them to make regular posts. I enjoy all of them but the depth of my knowledge pretty much comes down to: learn to tie a rolling hitch, if it says Rio Grande Games it's a pretty safe bet, if you're a defenseman practice backwards crossovers until your legs fall off, and chicks do NOT actually like the alphabet thing. The end.


Zoe said...

You know what I'd vote for. Just don't change your tag line to 'how to eat out' and then rant about customers. That's just false advertising.

Unknown said...

Hell, anything that's going to give guys tips on the latter is a good thing. Really.

Phollower said...

Loki- I'm gonna change my tag line to "Where to find giant cocks" and then write about the biggest chicken I ever saw. That should let down a sufficient number of people. I mean really, if you came to me for anything having to do with a big cock you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.
Hannah- Thanks for stopping by. I like to think I'm ok at it. The Spousal Unit says so. But I don't plan on giving out too much advice on the subject. The fewer guys that know how, the more ladies that have to come looking my way for it.

I'm only kidding honey, stop scowling at me.

PJ said...

Don't change a thing. Hilarious stuff. Which shows you the kind of nutball I am. I linked to you.

Anonymous said...

I think getting the word out to men about the alphabet thing would be a HUGE service to womankind.