Monday, May 08, 2006


Blorget: v. to intend to blog about something when it happens but then be unable to recall what it was later on or not remember all of the blogworthy event. I have so many things to write about but when I sit at the computer I always blorget them.

I blorget how it reached this point but during our weekly D&D session we ended up discussing using a rosary as anal beads. If anyone doubted that we worship satan during D&D this should pretty well clear it up. At the very least it should indicate the influence of the dark lord. That satan just cracks me up. He makes us say some funny shit.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't the correct capitalization be the Dark Lord? Or does he not rate proper noun treatment? Note I was absent this week for D&D and now see you need me to help with establishing "the line" (as in "Here is the line, and you are way over it").

MrsOz said...

I think the Virgin Mary would agree that you are over the line

Phollower said...

And as someone who knows you pretty well I can guarantee that won't be the only burning sensation you'll experience today.