Saturday, November 17, 2007

Quatrogenarians Almost

Sylvia and I drive to her women's hockey team practice on Tuesdays and we give a ride to another girl (we'll call her Jeunefils) who lives in our town and plays on the team too. It's about an hour ride so it only makes sense to carpool. She's quite a bit younger than us (I think she's 20) and last Tuesday as we were on our way to the rink she asked Sylvia how old she is:

Sylvia: 37.

Jeunefils: 37! Oh my god! I had no idea you were that old!

Phollower: Yeah, it's amazing we can still get around at all huh? I think we may have a couple more years in us though.



laney j. said...

Whew, thank God I won't be that old for a long, long time. Well, not until March, anyway.

Happy Birthday Sylvia! Sorry we missed it.

Maggie said...

Have a carseat in there for next Tuesday

Phollower said...

maggie: That would be hilarious. But I'm allergic to anything that might imply that I have or could someday acquire, create or purchase a child so it's a no go.

Maria said...

Try being 49...

The other day, a student in my class that I teach about the sixties asked me what it was like to live through the sixties like he was talking about the olden days or something....

Anonymous said...

I only sounded surprised because I thought you guys would be like 32!! It was actually supposed to be a compliment..
By the way, I blame this on me being foreign; the translation was worse than the original thought!