Sunday, September 09, 2007

Call Me Cap'n

So the fall session of the beginner hockey league that The Spousal Unit and I play in starts tonight. Which is awesome. And for the first time ever Zoe is going to play too. Which is also awesome. And this year the powers that be managed to rope yours truly into being the captain of one of the teams. Now before you go getting all hot and bothered about my new-found power keep in mind that pretty much I take attendance so I can set up the lines and that's about it. But all things considered it was sort of flattering to be asked. I've been in the league for 5 years now and didn't know anybody (or how to skate very well either) when I started so it's nice to know I've made a name for myself.

And that name would be Cap'n Phollower.


Zoe said...

Well Cap'n, I survived. My tail bone is killing me from getting knocked on my ass, but other than that I can't stop grinning. I was a nervous wreck, but I had a blast. I don't know why I haven't been playing this sport all my life, to quote one of my best friends. I can't wait to play again, and learn more.

Phollower said...

zoe: Told you so.

limpy99 said...

Better Cap'n Phollower than Cap'n Ahab.

Sylvia said...

Cap'n Ahab would have a hard time skating I think. But he'd be easier to push off his skates than Phollower!