Friday, August 31, 2007

The Weigh I Roll

The Spousal Unit and I got a new, digital bathroom scale to replace our old, inaccurate analog one. It's smaller and nicer looking than the old one so we leave it out on the bathroom floor instead of hiding it in the closet. My favorite use for it so far? I like to weigh myself before and after taking a dump, you know, just to see how I did. I'm sure the novelty of it will wear off eventually but for now I'm averaging about a pound and a half with 2 pounds being the current high score.

Hey, it beats fishing it out and putting it on the kitchen scale.


limpy99 said...

You just wrote this to make sure no one came to your house for the Labor Day weekend right?

Party Girl said...

OKay, I don't own a scale, but my mom does. The two weeks I lived at home recently I, just for shits and giggles and to prove while I don't own a scale, would weigh myself everytime I went in the bathroom. Basically to see how a women's weight fluctuates so dramatically in the course of a day and to prove why I don't own a scale.

Anyway, my point would be, yeah, I understand this post. Works for pee loss-age as well.

dykewife said...

you need a hobby. :)

Phollower said...

limpy: Worked like a charm. Well, Zoe and BP showed up but there's no keeping them away especially since we got a new espresso machine. Ironically enough, the espresso machine has caused me to use the scale on a very regular basis. Pun intended.

Anonymous said...

No post about being named a captain at hockey? Pretty cool, and worthy of a post, don't you think? :-)

Phollower said...

o'butter: It only happened because the guy who'd been doing it can't play this session.

And it's much more a factor of me being a big enough sucker to say, "Yes" than from any actual hockey or captaining abilities.

But being asked was pretty flattering.

Anonymous said...

Hey, sucker or not, I still think it's cool you were picked to be a captain.