Monday, March 19, 2007

Do you have any Purel?

You know what's funny?

When you're at the pet food store and there's an old lady walking around looking at everything with her old lady friend and she picks up the 3 foot long dried bull penis and says to her friend that her dog would love to chew on that all day and then she looks at the tag to see what it's made out of and then she drops it on the floor and looks mortified.

I said, "Surprise!"


Party Girl said...

You're fun.

lkmanitou said...

Shouldn't come as a surprise knowing my dog that he devoured one of those bully sticks in 10 minutes.

Phollower said...

PG: Yep, not much more fun than me laughing at old ladies unknowingly holding bull cocks in their hands. They should make a TV show about that.

LK: I think they should be more honest with the naming and call them Bully's Dicks rather than Bully Sticks. But El Bandito ripping through 36" of cow schlong in 10 minutes seems about what I would've expected. That dog can eat some cock.

limpy99 said...

36" AND four stomachs???

Great, now me and the missus both have reasons to be jealous of cows.